Monday, April 6, 2009

Registering a truck (part 4 - the end)

Early DMV visit today. I was there at about 8 a.m.. Again, hoping I would not have to wait that much... and again, no such luck.

After about 40 minutes, I got the registration and the sticker. I'm now good to go until April 2010.

It only took 2 drives to the DMV, waiting about 90 minutes, 2 trips to the smog check garage, waiting about 1 hour, 1 trip to another garage, waiting about 90 minutes, 1 trip to Kragen, countless times trying to find the diagnostic screw... and ta-taaa -- I have the registration!

Eaaaaasyyyy ;)


  1. e bun....deci in total cite minute a durat distractia?...sau ore?...DMV banuiesc ca este marca masinii..sau felul ei (categoria)
    si doar pentru un se inghesuie sa-ti dea pe prea mult timp..putrezii rog..bine ca is toate in regula..Doamne ajuta !

  2. DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) e un fel de RAR. Ei se ocupa de carnete de sofer, inregistrati, transfere de proprietate, etc.
    Da, 'registration'ul se da pe un an, dupa care trebuie sa faci iar un test de smog (verificare tehnica) si iar o iei de la capat :)
