Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Keukenhof, spring 2008. Together with my parents, we are going to visit this gorgeous garden. There are awesome flower arrangements, windmill, fountains and lots of people around them. Lovely sunny weekend!

Original date blog can be found here.

1 comment:

  1. a fost un vikend memorabil..atitea flori ca ajungeai la un soi de prea plin de frumusete (ca la vizitarea monumentelor din Italia,unde vizitatorii citeodata au un fel de rau de arta...cred ca o limita de suportabilitate)...in orice caz e de neuitat..mult bun gust, simt artistic si o impresie de usor...totul pare usor realizat...cind de fapt presupune mii de ore de munca..in patri labe, indoit in doua, deasupra pamintului, sa infigi mii de bulbi in mod simetric, geometric...
